It has several years since I began to do some research with security. But actually I did not have any big projects which could be opened to everyone. There are some small projects and tools that I could provide at present.
SecWiki Desribe: the website was builded four years ago, and it generates the latest security news and technology articles (not only China not also the whole world). It has more than 1000 users, 6000+ article links and other materials at present. It also has security skill guide for beginners. And I hope this project could be the most popular website in security zone.
Decode Describe: this tool is for xss users. It provide many encode/decode methods, including:URL HTML Ascii Ascii:Xss Ascii:Oracle Ascii:Mysql Ascii:Mssql Escape Hex:Ascii Hex:Ascii:Xss Hex:Unicode Hex:Ascii:Sql Hex:Unicode:Sql MD5:16 MD5:32 Base64 LM NT LM:NT and etc.. Platform: Windows
Webshellscan Describe: support for malware PHP script scanning. Support two methods: grammer token and keywords. Platform: PHP