

I'm a software engineer and security researcher at「unknown」Inc. My current interests including but not limited: use Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning technologies to solve Web security, network security, and social privacy issues. I am the founder of the SecWiki which focuses on collecting the latest security news and technology, also helps the newbie to learn security skills quickly; I am also the member of Insight-labs group which has many really nice guys who help me a lot. I also the leader of the SecDr which is a security research group which helps security students and scholars to communicate with each other. I'm a big fan of GitHub, Markdown, texstudio, and scikit-learn. I really like information security subject and cool open source projects. I know I could not finish everything by myself, so please talk with me and send Email to me with PGP Key.

Ourren喜欢折腾各类技术,专业浏览技术娱乐网站,爱好广泛但无一专长,尤其喜好开源软件「Github, Markdwon」。平时虽自控能力不足,但紧急时刻效率绝对吓人。打羽毛球技术平平,打乒乓球像太极,篮球容易被撞脸,伪摄影。宅,口重,嗜辣,屡教不改。智商中等偏下,惭愧未能上CS和Dota排行榜。从2008年折腾网站到现在,从Pjblog->Bo-Blog->Wordpress->hexo,从免费空间/域名->赞助空间->收费空间/域名->拥抱开源,可以说一路走来,学到很多的技术,正所谓生命不息,折腾不止!! 推崇哲理:

Life is short, you need Python。